By spending a few minutes going over your household incomes vs. expenses you can easily make your day-to-day economy improve. A simple budget plan can be quickly created and is usually well worth the effort. When you have calculated your monthly incomes and expenses it becomes clear where your money is going, which simplifies making an economic forecast for your future spending's.
The goal with the budget plan is not for you to cut all costs here and now, but to give you an overview of possible areas where adjustments can be made to ensure your level of prosperity, today and tomorrow.
Follow these steps:
- Download our template for an easy household budget plan (Sweden), budget plan (Finland), budget plan (Norway)
- Enter your incomes (if you are living with someone and have a shared economy enter their income as well)
- Find out what your expenses are. Be thorough and try to find all your expenses during any given month. Check reciepts, bank account statements and credit card bills.
- Enter your expenses in to the budget template
- Deduct all your expenses from your incomes. Now it's time to start critically reviewing what you spend your money on. You'll probably find a few unnecessary expenses that you could get rid of.
- Time to cancel unnecessary subscriptions, consolidate your smaller loans/credits or perhaps cut back on redundant purchases.
- Done. With a clear overview of your household economy, chances are you'll have more money left over for what's important in your life.
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